Check out all the articles here
Writing because you think you are better than another author: This is one of the major reasons why I see some of the reviewers turning into authors. I feel proud when they pick up their pen but what saddens me is the attitude that I can write better than so and so. You probably could, but please don’t forget your muse —the author who inspired you to write.
Indie world is an interwoven world of needs and demands. Most of the time, your demand today will turn into your need tomorrow. So working together with each other, might be a good idea in the Indie world.
3) Getting a fan following as soon as you hit the publish button. Ta da. Not happening. To get a readership, you don’t start with ‘hey, check out my published book,’ and your friends go gaga over it. For this, you have to start creating a network before your book is published. How to go about it I will cover in this booklet itself. But remember one thing at this point in time—to build a readership is tough. Start understanding the difference between readers, relatives, and friends. The latter two are for likes and the first one is for sales and visibility. Senseless selling of books on your timeline will not work.
4) Amazon will promote me: Of course, it will, but then think about this logically. Every one minute there is a new book being uploaded on Amazon. In this jungle of books, your new book with a brand new author name needs a push to have its presence felt. So before hitting the publish button, remember you are one in a million. How your book will stand out in this plethora of books, is your own success story to make.
Whatever you do, keep in mind that you are your own boss. And having said that it also means that you are solely responsible for your own book. All the profits are yours to keep, so are the errors.
Chapter Three: Components of Indie Publishing
I hope you have read my previous points carefully and decided to stay with me on this journey. As soon as you have decided that you want to be an Indie published author, here is a checklist for you to consider.
Ø Writing - What stage of writing are you in? First draft, second draft… final copy?
Ø Marketing before the book is launched
Ø Self-Editing
Ø Beta Reading
Ø Editing - Development
Ø Editing - Line Editing
Ø Proofreader
Ø Self-Editing Part 2
Ø Cover Making
Ø Formatting and Uploading
Ø Keeping the reviewers informed
Ø Marketing after the Book is launched
I will be covering most of the topics mentioned above except Editing and How to look for an editor which will be handled by Inderpreet Kaur Uppal and Dola Basu Singh in their respective booklets. And uploading on Amazon will be handled by Sundari Venkatraman in the forthcoming issue. Marketing after a book is launched is a vast topic and will be in a separate booklet by me. But trust me, the part before you are ready to launch a book, is the most important of all and should not be neglected.
The above topics will hold good for all kinds of books. I will be speaking about how much each part is going to cost you, the pros and cons are for you to decide if you have the budget for that. I will be putting up links of the least expensive deals I have used in my entire career as a writer. You don’t have to spend much on anything except Editing and that too depends on how confident you are with your writing and grammar.
Check out the first part @ Marketing Issue 2: Introduction to being an Indie Author Part 1
Other Booklets in this ToolKit series
Check out Devika Fernando's Booklet Why go Indie?
Check out D R Downer's Booklet A to Z of Ghostwriting
Chapter Four: The Birth of Your Book - Writing Component
Other Booklets in this ToolKit series
Check out Devika Fernando's Booklet Why go Indie?
Check out D R Downer's Booklet A to Z of Ghostwriting
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